Kamis, 26 September 2013

Facts in the world

Sitting in a tub of cold water for 2 minutes with knees drawn up to her chin is very good for the treatment of hemorrhoids.

Facts in the world

Looking at old photographs that holds positive memories can combat depression by 11 percent. 

Facts in the world

Bulletproof vests, fire escapes, windshield wipers, and laser printers were created by women.

Facts in the world

Use of punctuation '?!' or '!?' called Interrobang.

Facts in the world

Wash hand it can also cleanse your heart and mind. [Research at the University of Michigan, USA]

Facts in the world

Music can make the right hemisphere of the fetal brain development in the womb the better.

Facts in the world

Music can make the right hemisphere of the fetal brain development in the womb the better.

Facts in the world

Music can make the right hemisphere of the fetal brain development in the womb the better.

Facts in the world

Music can make the right hemisphere of the fetal brain development in the womb the better.

Facts in the world

Music can make the right hemisphere of the fetal brain development in the womb the better.

Facts in the world

Music can make the right hemisphere of the fetal brain development in the womb the better.

Selasa, 24 September 2013

Facts in the world

Ants can lift the weight 50 times and 30 times the draw weight of his body weight.

Facts in the world

Drinking tea can evoke mood and strengthen the ability to think and remember.

Facts in the world

Most of the Arctic in the polar regions is actually a desert.

Facts in the world

Hypnic jerk is shocked at the condition of the body such as the beginning of sleep, occurs because the brain one thought, our bodies falling or already dead.

Facts in the world

Boxer Muhammad Ali, had been imprisoned for refusing military service program the U.S. government during the Vietnam war.

Facts in the world

Boxer Muhammad Ali, had been imprisoned for refusing military service program the U.S. government during the Vietnam war.

Facts in the world

The average high school kid (SMA) currently has the same level of anxiety as the average psychiatric patient anxiety in the 1950s [psychologytoday. Com]

Facts in the world

The medical term for people who struggle to pronounce the letter 'R' (lisp) is Rhotacism.

Facts in the world

Ancient Egyptian priests plucked every hair and fur from their bodies.

Facts in the world

Bogor city known as one of the areas with the greatest potential in the world lightning. [@ FaktaGoogle]

Facts in the world

In ancient India, the kite is used as an introductory letter from a man's love for the girl he loves.

Facts in the world

In ancient India, the kite is used as an introductory letter from a man's love for the girl he loves.

Facts in the world

Lack of sleep all night disturbing the skin's ability to maintain moisture and protect the skin from sun and pollution

Facts in the world

Brushing your teeth with your fingers improve protection of fluoride in teeth by up to 400%. [Researcher Dr. Univ. of Gothenburg, Sweden]

Facts in the world

Elton John had spent about USD 4 billion in the 20 months just for interest.

Facts in the world

Men are more familiar than the anatomical parts auto parts intimate organ itself. [Survey Lloydspharmacy Doctor]

Facts in the world

Nike slogan 'Just do it' is inspired by the last words of the death of an inmate in Utah.

Facts in the world

When she had just woken up, messy hair and sleepy eyes still look sexy in the eyes of the impressed men.

Facts in the world

Each researcher Panda Panda costume to wear at work.

Facts in the world

Chewing cinnamon flavored gum can improve memory function, alertness and concentration.

Facts in the world

Currently there are 45 states that there are teaching Indonesian, such as Australia, America, Canada, Vietnam, and many others.

Facts in the world

78 percent of women aged on average 25 years old admitted to feeling less confident with her ​​figure.

Facts in the world

The number of smokers in developed countries began to decline while in developing countries has increased.

Facts in the world

Wearing headphones for an hour can stimulate the growth of bacteria in your ear 700 times.

Facts in the world

The 'save' in Microsoft Office programs shows a floppy disk with the shutter image upside down.

Facts in the world

Often the effect of chewing gum good for toning the face muscles and streamline cheek.

Facts in the world

The penguins incubating eggs is not the female penguin, but the male.

Facts in the world

Computer keyboard players online games contains more bacteria than there are in the toilet.

Facts in the world

Right nostril breathing easy once made ​​people angry. Men breathe more with the right nostril.

Facts in the world

Agitated or Galau for 1 hour will burn 120 calories, the same as writing while sitting at a table.

Facts in the world

Lars Ulrich, drummer for Metallica, was a tennis player when he was young and playing in big matches European level.

Facts in the world

Kim Ung Yong (Korea), is the world's tallest human IQ is 210. Einstein being only about 160.

Facts in the world

Jakarta has changed its name seven times, the Sunda Kelapa-Jayakarta-Batavia-Batavia-Jacatra-Jayakarta, Jakarta.

Facts in the world

Women tend to eat more if there are no men around.

Facts in the world

Famous wine in China is made from a fermented infant rats in a bottle.

Facts in the world

Cockroaches can live for 9 days without a head. Because his brain is on the body.

Facts in the world

Is the stupidest pet turkey.

Facts in the world

Men are fascinated by the appearance of a woman can be read from the opening of the nostrils. If it is stretched, it is certain he was blown away.

Facts in the world

Men who used to sleep with tights exposed to higher risk of impotence symptoms at an early age.

Facts in the world

Like humans, plants may also have a fever if they are sick.

Facts in the world

The ancient Egyptians believed garlic was a gift from the gods.

Facts in the world

Papuans believe that the fruit has been eaten by ants can not take. He said 'It is eaten ants, ants hers'.

Facts in the world

When someone put a hand on his chin and stroked slowly, indicating ongoing decision-making process.

Facts in the world

Mark Zuckerberg is red-green color blind, for he is the best color blue. Facebook's why the color blue.

Facts in the world

Sleep Paralysis is a lag between the condition and the condition of conscious deep sleep, commonly experienced by many people, often called 'Erep-erep'.

Facts in the world

According to the study, say 'Good morning' can increase dopamine, a substance that stimulates happiness.

Facts in the world

Exercise can prolong life expectancy almost four years. [The study, published in the Journal of Aging]

Facts in the world

About 75 types of puppets in Indonesia, has become extinct, and only about 25 were still survive.

Facts in the world

If the dream partner is having an affair with someone else means that we begin to lose confidence. [Study Univ.Of Montreal]

Facts in the world

The human brain can only focus on something or someone for about 7 to 10 minutes.

Facts in the world

Our earth is not round, looks like the shape of the pear. Diameter of the North Pole is wider than the diameter of the South Pole.

Facts in the world

There is a shop called Kanojo Toys in Japan, which is deliberately selling panties former newlyweds. [weirdasianews]

Facts in the world

Married people had higher levels of cortisol (a stress hormone) is lower, then the happy marriage can help prevent fatal strokes.

Facts in the world

Fish were screaming 'My leg!' in Spongebob Squarepants named Fred. And you know, the oldest goldfish lived to 41 years old, named Fred.

Facts in the world

Frozen whole lobsters can come back to life when thawed.

Facts in the world

The human brain can record new words no more than 15 minutes.

Facts in the world

Tequila alcohol, when heated to a temperature of 800 degrees Celsius can be turned into a diamond.

Facts in the world

John Mayer was inspired to create the song 'Daughter' in the bath.

Facts in the world

Xenophobia is the fear of strangers.

Facts in the world

Psychology says that if you try to convince yourself you do not care about someone, you actually care about.

Facts in the world

Japanese aircraft were used in the attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941, manufactured by Mitsubishi.

Facts in the world

Cuddle with teddy bears (teddy bear) can release endorphins in the same amount during sex.

Facts in the world

Liars look towards when lying down, as if they're thinking what to say next.